Internal Family Systems therapy for highly sensitive people & deep thinkers

Based in Stockholm, Sweden – Working with clients worldwide

Have you always felt different from other people, needing more time to feel, process and to be alone?

Were you a gifted kid who was told they would go far in life, but instead you're feeling stressed out, burnt out and struggling to get by?

Have you had to hide parts of your life, or explain or defend your sexuality or lifestyle? Maybe even to your therapist.

You’ve come to the right place.

IFS therapy for highly sensitive people and deep thinkers

It’s difficult to have to feel and process everything deeply. A part of you is craving connection and belonging, while another part wants nothing more than to isolate and escape from all the expectations and demands.

Maybe it would be better now if growing up, you were told there's nothing wrong with you. Instead, you learned that you needed to be a certain way to be noticed and accepted. And if you didn’t, you were seen as too sensitive or demanding.

You started to show up the way others expected you to and talk yourself out of your needs and feelings. On top of that, the past is weighing on you, making it even harder to get through life today.

You’re wondering if it’s even possible to feel different.

The good news is that you have an innate ability to heal the parts of you that are in pain. And there is a way for you to reconnect with creativity, compassion and a sense of purpose.

I would love to be part of your journey to get there.

Hi, I’m Sanni (she/her)

I’m an IFS Practitioner working with highly sensitives, introverts and deep thinkers who want to reconnect with themselves and the world.

I’ll support you to fully process difficult events from the past, and to move forward with a feeling of connection to yourself and the world.

Using IFS therapy, we’ll make sense of why parts of you are acting in extreme ways or overwhelming you with emotion.

You’ll learn how to start collaborating with the parts of you that are working hard to just get through life. And together, we’ll help and heal those parts that are carrying pain from the past.

I work a lot with people who belong to one or more sexual or relationship minority. I'm LGBTQIA+ affirming, sex worker positive and I work with people whose lifestyles are “unconventional” in some way, for example being child-free or polyamorous.

I’m a neurodiversity-affirming therapist. This means that I don’t see neurodivergence as a problem to be fixed. In addition to people who identify as highly sensitive, I also work with autistics and ADHDers.

All aspects of your life are welcome in our sessions

What I can support you with

Anxiety & depression

Dealing with past trauma

Perfectionism & the inner critic

Relationship challenges, breakups and doubts

Stress & burnout

Difficulty with understanding your emotions and needs

People-pleasing & setting boundaries

Challenges stemming from childhood

Interested in working with me?